Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cheney's dark little room

I'M GLAD Saddam Hussein and most of his henchmen are pushing up daisies as they burn in Hell. Lord knows they got what they deserved. But was regime change worth $3 trillion dollars, 36,633 American dead and wounded, and well over 100,000 Iraqi casualties? Only history will render that verdict. But for Dick Cheney, history can go take a flying leap. When asked by NBC's Matt Lauer if the Iraq War was worth the cost in treasury and blood, Cheney replied, "Oh, sure." His answer was almost flippant. There is something deeply bone-chilling about politicians who exhibit such fanatical certitude about their actions or views. Theirs is a binary world of 1's and 0's, the consequences ― and in Iraq's case, the collateral damage ― be damned. Theirs is indeed a nasty, dark little room. The likes of Cheney never learn, as Herodotus said, circumstances rule men; men do not rule circumstances. Nor can they ever comprehend the profound tragedy of fathers burying their sons in violation of the natural order. I hope history proves Iraq was a worthwhile endeavor for the sake of the fallen and maimed. They are the ones who paid for any forthcoming rendering of victory, unlike the smirking old men now cashing in on ill-perceived glory.

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