Thursday, September 8, 2011

About last night ...

I haven't said a word about last night's GOP debate because, like most Americans, I didn't watch it. You could float an aircraft carrier or two on the amount of ink that pundits have spilled on it today. But Politicalprof boiled the debate down to 8 succinct sentences. Rick Perry: "Texas is good. I like Texas." Mitt Romney: "Seriously, I have a plan. And I used to work in business." Michele Bachmann: "I have crazy eyes." Ron Paul: "I am a very cranky old man." Jon Huntsman: "You get that I’m the reasonable one, right?" Newt Gingrich: "I am a lot smarter than these other folks. Not that you care." Herman Cain: "I speak in clear, plain sentences to convince you that the complex is simple." Rick Santorum: "I’m over here. Hi! Hello! Woo hoo!" There you have it. Enough said.

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