Monday, September 26, 2011

Eyes turn to Christie as Rome burns

HOW EXACTLY WOULD President Romney or President Perry deal with improving the American healthcare system while reducing costs? Precisely how would these men broker a peace between Israel and Palestine to lower tensions in the Middle East? Would they continue to pull US troops out of Afghanistan or re-invade? If it's the latter, how would they pay for it? What would President Perry do if future events prove he is wrong about global warning not being real? Does he have a Plan B (or do we just drown as sea levels rise)? And since both candidates believe unregulated private enterprise and more tax cuts will solve all that ails America economically, can either man actually prove it (esp. since these "solutions" failed under the last Republican president)? Wouldn't you like to know the answers to these and other substantive questions from the GOP men (and woman) who would-be president? Too bad thee and me (i.e., America) are the only ones who do. The news media sure isn't interested. Today, it is too busy hyperventilating over whether Chris Christie ― the "ill-tempered, half-term, extremely rotund 50%-50% popularity Governor of New Jersey" (as TPM puts it) ― will jump into the race now that Rick Perry is supposedly cratering. You see, the media have suddenly deemed Perry an also-ran in the wake of one bad debate performance. Plus, Perry got creamed in a meaningless straw poll. Ergo, Perry is doomed. This is, what, the fourth Christie-For-President boomlet? The governor's peeps say nothing has changed. He's not running. To the media, that means he's running for sure. Sigh, with a heavy exhale.

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