Saturday, September 10, 2011

The oddly pleasing oddity of JK Rowling

There is something pleasingly odd about JK Rowling. She is an attractive woman, but not in a memorably Helenian way. Hers is not a face that would launch a thousand ships. Makeup improves what nature bestowed but it does not erase the imperfections of her horsey visage. Her nose is a tad too large and her lips tilt slightly askew. Her smile is lovely but clearly forced, while her buttercup eyes reflect both a twinge of boredom and a hint of impatience. Staring into the ubiquitous camera lens, she dutifully emotes gratitude for her privileged station but cannot hide her contempt for fame's absurdity. In short, she is unapologetically human, a woman defiantly apart from the narcissistic culture that envelopes her. As celebrities go, Rowling is an oddity. And, to me, that makes her the most beautiful of them all.

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