Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another inconvenient truth

Straight talk from Foreign Poicy's Arron David Miller: "The 'sky is falling' crowd bemoaning the loss of American influence on the peace process ought to stop whining. There's no deal now that anyone can broker. The president is right to protect his political flanks. This isn't cheap or dirty politics; it's smart. If Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas forces a vote on U.N. membership in the Security Council this week or next month, Obama should veto it and sleep well that night. [For now] there is no conflict-ending agreement now available to Israelis and Palestinians. The gaps are just too big, the suspicions too deep, and the regional environment too uncertain; and the capacity of an American (or any other mediator) to serve as an effective broker is just too implausible. ... Democrats who happen to dream of a Middle East peace, reelecting Obama next year -- not trying to cobble something together now -- should be the primary goal. ... After all, [the peace process] will be around for some time to come; Barack Obama may not."

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