Monday, April 11, 2011

Metaphor of the day

Jon Chait thinks conservative Ross Douthat (whom he likes) is being naive about Republican capacity for adopting a more egalitarian economic agenda in the upcoming 2012 budget fight. Chait would love it to be true. But - and here comes the fabulous metaphor - it is "sort of like supporting la Cosa Nostra because you like the concept of a group dedicated to helping down-on-their-luck Italian-Americans. You can find bits and pieces of this behavior here and there, but it's fundamentally not what la Cosa Nostra does. And yet here we have Douthat once again reviewing the Gambino family's fiscal year 2012 business plan and hoping that maybe they can tone down the racketeering and the extortion and perhaps concentrate more on helping poor Italian widows pay their rent." Bada-bing, bada-boom. Is dat clear enough for youse guys? Heh.

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