Saturday, April 9, 2011

When all else fails, navel gaze

DAMN. The media disappointment was nearly palpable when the government did not shut down after all. There goes our big, juicy, endless melodrama. But as their countdown clocks ticked to 11:59 last night, the senate had yet to vote on a stop-gap measure to officially avert the shutdown. The deadline was midnight. Media faces brightened. A new crisis? Would Providence toss us another bone? No. An obscure rule allows the government to keep its lights on if officials had “high confidence” that the budget bill would pass. So, 12:01 a.m. came and went without consequence. Damn. So the press was reduced to explaining "What happened when Congress missed its deadline," as a Washington Post headline read this morning. As if anyone cares. "And with that, a shutdown is averted," wrote one dejected reporter, "For now." Hope springs eternal.

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