Monday, April 4, 2011

Boo-hoo! You promised, daddy!

OUTGUNNED and surrounded, the tattered soldiers reluctantly raised the white and surrendered in the blinding desert sun. Oh wait -- wrong movie. Team Obama, tightly bound to their chairs by rope, capitulated to Congress and opted to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before a military commission at Gitmo instead of a civilian courtroom. Attorney General Eric Holder blamed Congress for "tying our hands."

So who does the left blame? Obama, of course, for failing (again) to don his Superman outfit to "make it all better." Boo-hoo! You broke your campaign promise, daddy! You promised! You promised!

Take it away, Steve Benen (Washington Monthly):
"[Holder] happens to be right. Even today, Holder wants to do the right thing, and so does President Obama. And yet, Gitmo is open today, and KSM will be subjected to a military commission in the near future, not because of an administration that backed down in the face of far-right whining, but because congressional Republicans orchestrated a massive, choreographed freak-out, and scared the bejesus out of congressional Democrats. Together, they limited the White House's options to, in effect, not having any choice at all."
Correctomondo. Now why doesn't the whiny left get that simple fact? Could Obama have handled the matter more adroitly? Maybe. But Benen's conclusion is the correct one: "Those slamming Obama for 'breaking his word' on this are blaming the wrong end of Pennsylvania Avenue."

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