Saturday, December 4, 2010

No Palin Zone

I had to laugh at New York Times columnist Charles Blow today who wrote:
“This is it. This is the last time I’m going to write the name Sarah Palin until she does something truly newsworthy, like declare herself a candidate for the presidency. Until then, I will no longer take part in the left’s obsessive-compulsive fascination with her, which is both unhealthy and counterproductive.”
Well, good luck with that, Chuck. Even though I agree with Blow in principle, I tried not writing about Palin and failed miserably. She's like a court jester on steroids who pulls ever greater stunts of absurdity. Not impressed when Palin strikes a match? How about when she metaphorically lights her hair on fire and then juggles pompoms? You want to look away, but like the proverbial train wreck, you can't help yourself from stealing a peek at the spectacle’s sheer audacity (or stupidity).

Blow concludes with this advice:
”People on the left seem to need her, to bash her, because she is, in three words, the way the left likes to see the right: hollow, dim and mean. But since she’s feeding on the negativity, I suggest three other words: get over it.”
Alas, my friend, if only it were that easy.

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