Tuesday, December 28, 2010

'We shall fight in the showers'

THE odious "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is dead. But, going all Melville on us, some anti-gay groups are prepping to chase their targets "round perdition's flames" before they give them up. Showers are "huge issue," said Elaine Donnelly, the head of one advocacy group. "To pretend that throwing up a few shower curtains solves the problem is tantamount, again, to saying, well women should share close quarters with men." Um, no -- but debating her is like discussing Plato with your dog. I next expect these nutcases to start channeling Churchill: "We shall defend our Island of homophobia, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the nude beaches, we shall fight on the playgrounds, we shall fight in the malls and in the parking lots, we shall fight them in the showers; we shall never surrender." Apologies to Winston.

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