Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bigotry meets cowardice

Washington Monthly writer Steve Benen (a liberal) nicely sums up Republican intransigence in today’s DADT Senate fight:
A 40-member Senate minority -- 39 Republicans and one Democrat -- blew off the appeals of the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs about an issue of great importance to the U.S. military. A clear majority of Americans support repeal; a clear majority of the men and women in uniform are on board with repeal; and clear majorities of the House and Senate have voted to support repeal.

Republicans still blocked it.

And what was driving such intense opposition? For senators like John McCain (R-Ariz.) and most of his GOP allies, it appears to be matter of not liking gay people.

For those inclined to blame President Obama for Senate Republicans defeating repeal today, spare me. The White House clearly pushed for repeal, and did everything possible to use the Pentagon's report last week to apply the necessary pressure to deliver. By most counts, there really are 60 votes to make repeal a reality, and that's the case because President Obama has helped take the lead on the issue. If you're looking to blame someone, I'd start with 40 senators who filibustered today.
The prosecution rests.

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