Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why doesn't Obama get angry like The Hulk?

THE SCENE: Wednesday's White House press briefing. THE SUBJECT: Illegal weapons smuggling from Mexico. THE QUESTION (by reporter Jake Tapper): "We have heard at times, you know, when the president was upset about something -- 'plug the damn hole' is one such anecdote that was shared exclusively with every single person in this room by the White House. Did you -- is this president upset about this? I mean, this is a government operation where ..." THE RESPONSE (Carney cutting Tapper off): "I think you could assume that the president takes this very seriously." BUT WAIT, as Jon Chait observes sardonically, "Is [Obama] fuming? Infuriated? Enraged? Careening around the Oval Office on a berserk rampage, hurling furniture through windows and pummeling helpless staffers until the secret service wrestles him to the ground and sedates him with a bear tranquilizer?" As Brendan Nyhan aptly notes, a favorite journalistic trope is the demand for stronger adjectives. "Aren't you outraged? Incensed? Appalled?" Sad, isn't it?

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