Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Do I look fat?

Honey, do I look fat? Those are five of the most dangerous words in the English language. Epic civil wars and divorce court proceedings have been launched over them. Now Gawker has added a new twist: Honey, would you dump me if I got fat? "According to Ask Men's annual Great Male/Female Surveys, half of all straight men say they would dump a girlfriend who got fat," Gawker reports. That's right, a whopping 50 percent of guys would just up and say "see ya." How uncivilized, right guys? In fact, it's downright shocking, shocking! ... until you poll yourself with the same question. What's that you say? The thought would never cross your magnanimous mind? You would have no problem at all cuddling nightly, 7 days a week, year in and year out, with the bountiful "babe" shown above 'til death do youse part? Riiiight.

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