Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bigotry is colorblind

I haven't spent much digital ink on GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain (the Godfather's Pizza guy) because, well, he isn't worth the time.

Frankly, he's a sideshow freak who will never be the GOP nominee, let alone president. He's also a bigot, as Eugene Robinson pointed out this morning. His views about followers of Islam are nothing short of outrageous. The following weekend exchange on Fox News Sunday says it all.

Chris Wallace: “As someone who, I’m sure, faced prejudice growing up in the ’50s and the ’60s, how do you respond to those who say you are doing the same thing?” Cain: “I tell them that’s absolutely not true, because it is absolutely, totally different. ... We had some laws that were restricting people because of their color and because of their color only.” Wallace: “But aren’t you willing to restrict people because of their religion?” Cain: “I’m willing to take a harder look at people that might be terrorists.”

Robinson writes: "Generations of bigots made the same argument about black people. They’re irredeemably different. Many of them may be all right, but some are a threat. Therefore, it’s necessary to keep all of them under scrutiny and control. Bull Connor and Lester Maddox would be proud." Enough said.

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