Sunday, July 17, 2011

What a blast ... oh wait

Los Angeles Times: "There was a time when a mushroom cloud billowing over the Nevada desert was celebrated as a symbol of American strength — and, about 75 miles southeast in Las Vegas, as a terrific tourist draw. In the 1950s, casinos threw 'dawn parties,' where gamblers caroused until a flash signaled the explosion of an atomic bomb at the Nevada Test Site. Tourism boosters promoted the Atomic Cocktail (vodka, brandy, champagne and a dash of sherry) and pinups such as Miss Atomic Blast, who was said to radiate 'loveliness instead of deadly atomic particles.' Sixty years after the first atmospheric tests here, the 1,375-square-mile site continues to be a tourist magnet, though of a far different nature. Thousands of people each year sign up months in advance to see what is essentially a radioactive ghost town." To paraphrase Bubba Blue's mother in Forrest Gump: "Are we crazy? Or just plain stupid?"

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