Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Are you a lefty snob? Ctd.

In the wake of Charles Murray's extraordinarily odd piece on "elitism," Claire Berlinski created the "How Plebe Are You?" exam. I gave it a try:

1. Can you talk about "Mad Men?" Yes, in scary detail. I read the weekly post-game reviews religiously, too.

2. Can you talk about the "The Sopranos?" Sure, of course, in great detail. The last episode was all about "art for art sake." What was David Chase thinking? I mean really. But, um, I digress.

3. Do you know who replaced Bob Barker on "The Price Is Right?" I haven't the foggiest.

4. Have you watched an Oprah show from beginning to end? Wha'? Are you nuts? I have a life, you know.

5. Can you hold forth animatedly about yoga? No. Real men work out at LA Fitness.

5. How about pilates? Fudgeddaboud it.

5. How about skiing? Sure, I ski. Totally into cross-country skiing.

6. Mountain biking? Absolutely, it's great exercise.

7. Do you know who Jimmie Johnson is? Nah uh. Sorry.

8. Does the acronym MMA mean nothing to you? Um, say wha'? Something to do with M&Ms? No? Not even close? OK, next question.

9. Can you talk about books endlessly? They are what I live for. I'm even writing one.

10. Have you ever read a "Left Behind" novel? You're kiddin' me, right?

11. How about a Harlequin romance? You're kiddin' me, right?

12. Do you take interesting vacations? Sure, Malibu, Hawaii, the Grand Canyon. And Europe whenever I can.

13. Do you know a great backpacking spot in the Sierra Nevada? Sure do. But I'm not tellin'.

14. What about an exquisite B&B overlooking Boothbay Harbor? Never been there. (But I do know this place in Maryland's horse country... )

15. Would you be caught dead in an RV? Only if it's on a Hollywood movie lot, and Halle Berry invited me in.

16. Would you be caught dead on a cruise ship? Nope. It's mostly losers, geeks and retired couples, right?

17. Have you ever heard of of Branson, Mo? Not until I Googled it.

18. Have you ever attended a meeting of a Kiwanis Club? A Kiwani-what?

19. How about the Rotary Club? Why, oh, why, would I? No.

20. Have you lived for at least a year in a small town? Dude, I'm from LA. Small to me is Orange County.

21. Have you lived for a year in an urban neighborhood in which most of your neighbors did not have college degrees? Afraid not.

22. Have you spent at least a year with a family income less than twice the poverty line? No.

23. Do you have a close friend who is an evangelical Christian? Nope. But, hey, I'm not doing it on purpose. Jeez.

24. Have you ever visited a factory floor? Aha! Yes.

25. Have you worked on one? Aha! Yes. One time. As a teen. A summer job -- before attending my fancy college.

SCORING: The correct answer to questions #1 and #2, for example, is no and no. The answer to #3 and #4 is yes and yes. Got it?

So, I scored a grand total of -- wait for it -- 5 correct answers out of 27. Must be a new record low. Hmm. Think I'll just take MoJo columnist Kevin Drum's advice: Shut up, drink my Starbucks latte grande and accept my hopelessly out-of-touch elite status without complaint.

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