Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When exploiting fame is the right thing to do

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, have made a deal to write a book about their lives together. I confess that I was a bit disappointed upon hearing the news. My first thought was: Et tu, Gabby? You, too, are doing the Palin-walk and cashing in on your fame? That's no crime, of course, as every two-bit, celebrity flavor-of-the-month keeps proving. It just seemed, well, unseemly. But then I considered her future. Despite the sky-high hopes of supporters, it is unlikely Giffords will return to Congress given the extent of her injuries (though I'd love to be wrong). It's hard, but I think that's the tragic reality. Moreover, her husband is retiring from the Navy and NASA after a 25-year career. His pension will be generous, but Giffords' long-term health care costs will be high. The bottom line: They're going to need the money. And lord knows they deserve it given their combined service to the country and Gabby's personal sacrifice. May her 15 minutes of fame be extended indefinitely.

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