Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Passing the laugh test

Sure, I admit it. When reading anything about Michele Bachmann, I am reflexively conditioned to expect a punchline. In that sense, I am as well-trained as one of Pavlov's Dogs. So when Washington Post writer Jonathan Capeheart wrote "Michele Bachmann continues to pass the laugh test" this morning, naturally I thought he was making a funny. He wasn't. "After watching her interviews with him and with Matt Lauer of NBC’s 'Today' show, there’s no doubt that the newest official candidate for the Republican nomination is ready for prime time," he opined. Um, say what? Capeheart essentially concludes that a candidate must be taken seriously if she can speak in coherent sentences and not pathologically dodge questions or shift blame when interrogated by the media." Therefore, Capeheart argues, "Bachmann continues to pass one of the first tests of nomination and presidential politics." Never mind that Bachmann indulges in falsehoods as a matter of course, comprehends little of this world, and gives new meaning to an ancient Persian adage: "One who doesn't know and doesn't know that he doesn't know (i.e., an ignorant person who will stay ignorant forever)." Other than that, Bachmann is ready for the White House, right? Happily, Capeheart saves himself (and tosses me a Pavlovian bone) in the last line of his piece: "So, settle in for the fun. The GOP nominating process is beginning to get good." Now, where's my Milk-Bone®? Arf! Arf!

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