Sunday, June 5, 2011

'Sons of silly persons'

Conservative David Frum wonders if Monty Python produces Republican attack ads. He noted one such ad (attacking GOP presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman sure) looks like a joke. "The ad accuses Huntsman of (1) worrying about excessive partisanship; (2) wanting to put a price on carbon emissions; (3) describing health care as a “right”; (4) promising to “put people first”; (5) supporting John McCain for president; and (6) drawing political support from Democrats and independents." Frum, slack-jawed, continued: "In a normal universe, being for cooperation, against pollution, for health care, for people, for your party’s presidential nominee, and winning lots of votes would be admirable positives, not critical deficiencies. But since 2008, the Republican Party seems to have stepped into some dimension outside space and time, in which the rules of political physics have all been inverted." Amazing.

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