Saturday, March 19, 2011

The second-guesser brigade

The no-fly zone is too little too late. “Assertive multilateralism” is too cumbersome to work in fast moving conflicts. Obama cannot fight a war by committee. Obama does not have a calculated goal. There is no exit strategy or endgame. Obama is flying by the seat of his pants and there is no strategy at all. And so on and so forth, infinitum. The second-guesser brigades were out in force on TV today in full backseat driver mode. Ex-generals, ex-colonels, ex-ambassadors and ex-diplomats all proffered their world-weary assessments of what President Obama shoulda-coulda done. These paparazzi of the foreign policy establishment are all seeing and all knowing. Had their counsel been sought and heeded, Obama would need only to pick up his second Nobel Prize trophy. Sigh. Lao Tzu’s words are worth stating again (and again and again): “Those who know, do not speak. Those who speak, do not know.”

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