Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hmm, who leaked that?

Media outlets have all reported that President Obama signed a secret order (or "Presidential Finding") this week authorizing covert aid to the Libyan rebels. I suspect it mostly involves providing the rebels with intelligence, assessing their capabilities (or lack thereof) and formally authorizing our folks to engage in James Bondesque spying (we'd be nuts not to). The White House, of course, issued a classic non-denial denial. "I am not going to comment on intelligence matters," spokesman Jay Carney said. Translation: Yes, we have covert boots on the ground - wink, wink. However, this story almost certainly didn't come from intrepid shoe-leather reporting. Somebody, somewhere leaked it -- likely on purpose to send Qaddafi a message (i.e., we're not backing down, bucko, and watch your back). It's how the real world works.

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