Saturday, March 26, 2011

Enter the Mujaheddin?

We still don't know who the Libyan rebels really are. Team Obama probably has a better picture, but I'd bet it's still fairly murky. The fog of war doesn't help. That said, there are reports that some fighters have al-Qaeda links. Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, one Libyan rebel leader, admits as much, per the UK's Telegraph. That should come as no shock. Many Libyan Mujaheddin fought against us in Iraq. The ones who survived the experience are likely back home in Libya now. But bear a few things in mind. First, the Telegraph is notorious for getting stories wrong (though this one looks accurate, as far as it goes). Second, it's easy to exaggerate al-Qaeda's presence and importance, even in Libya. If my limited read of Libya's history is right, tribal concerns trump all others. Also, it's probably safe to presume that the rebel leadership (whoever they are) know the quickest way to kill relations with the U.S./NATO coalition is to go all Taliban on us. It would be suicidal. That said, Mujaheddin activity bears watching. Though I merely speculate, I bet some of these al-Qaeda types are already in the scopes of our special ops snipers now that we've kicked in the door to Libya. But don't count on reading about it the papers.

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