Thursday, March 24, 2011

Faux debate

Letter from House Speaker John Boehner to President Obama: “It is regrettable that no opportunity was afforded to consult with Congressional leaders, as was the custom of your predecessors, before your decision as commander in chief to deploy into combat the men and women of our armed forces.” Um, which predecessors would that be, sir? Oh, you mean FDR. Silly me. He was the last American president - some 66 years ago - to formally consult with and actually get a declaration of war from Congress. And we'll just assume you simply forgot about Republican Mount Rushmore candidate Ronald Reagan, the fella who put our troops in harm's way three times (Lebanon, Grenada and Libya) without bothering with congressional consultations. And one more thing. Why is the news media trumpeting this story as if it is something other than a political stunt? Please.

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