Friday, March 18, 2011

Chess, Checkers and Libya – Cont’d

Andrew Sullivan's public flogging continues. Wow. But he continues to post the most incisive dissents. It's another reason why I respect and admire Sully. A sampling:
"It seems to me that your concerns about U.S involvement in Libya, while well-founded, are built on a major flaw. This is not the U.S. declaring war on Libya; this is the UN authorizing intervention in a failing state in order to prevent massive loss of life. This is the purpose of the UN. What you're suggesting is that the UN has no authority to try and halt conflicts and bring an end to Crimes Against Humanity simply because the US may be involved. That's not just wrong; it's ridiculous."

"It is interesting how quick you were to support Bush when there were numerous fallacies, inaccuracies and fear-mongering. We engaged in a pre-emptive strike (a war of aggression) pretty much on our own. This is not the same. Not even close. The hypocrisy of rationalizing a war of aggression with NO support from civilians in Iraq or the region (and support of US citizens garnered only from outright lies by the Bush administration) versus being begged to intervene, along with the UN, and promising not to put boots on the ground but primarily protect civilians. [...] Sometimes, sir, I think you try to hard to vindicate your previous mistakes."

"I think you should slow down on suggesting that Obama is more imperial than Bush. Legally, Obama can introduce the American military into hostilities so long as he submits a report to Congress within 48 hours. In this situation, the onus is on Congress to check the executive."

"We so often agree that I'm actually emotionally moved by my level of disagreement with your almost hysterical reaction to the UNSC vote. The vast majority of an Arab nation decides it will no longer tolerate a life under tyranny and undertakes a revolution that calls for greater freedoms - a revolution that has so far been unmarred by Islamism. The tyrant responds by murdering civilians, indiscriminately, including from the air, crushing the movement almost completely. The UNSC then, in a 10-0-5 vote, authorizes multilateral action. And at this you go into paroxysms of outrage?"

"Andrew, take a deep breath and relax for a second. This is not Iraq - and I should know, because I fought against that war for years and years while people like you were championing it for reasons I still find mindboggling. [...] It's not a war against Libya; it's an intervention against a crazy person who used to, but can no longer, represent or control Libya. [...] This is an international humanitarian intervention, not a war. Congress doesn't need to approve - but more importantly, it would approve. And Americans will approve. [...] Here's where I go out on a limb, and you can hold me accountable for this if it turns out I'm wrong and you're right: This will be Obama's Kosovo."
Read more here.

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