Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Journalism Lite

FOX NEWS Anchor Babe Megyn Kelly (pictured left) shared some pearls of insight about herself and her noble profession during an interview with GQ magazine. Reading it left me, well, slack-jawed.

Apparently, she was a lawyer before getting into the Fox News media racket (she loved the law before she hated it).
GQ: But you ended up hating the law?
"Well, I spent most of my time loving it, but ultimately, yeah, I hated it. The problem with the law is that it's always there. There wasn't a vacation I took over the nine years I practiced—this was back in the dark ages—when I wasn't having faxes and FedExs literally sent to me on the beach in the Caribbean. I used to go on cruises not because I liked cruises, but because it was the one spot they couldn't get you."

GQ: Why did you want to get into journalism, then?
"I thought the profession had some nobility in it, but it's also one in which you have to get your hands dirty."

GQ: You like the hands-dirty part?
"I didn't want anything that was too highbrow or elite. My dad was a college professor, and he constantly had the Ph.D. students over for these great esoteric discussions. But I wanted to be with the people, not just with the Ph.D.'s."
And "with the people," nothing says serious journalism like a sexy, come-hither look. And without a doubt, Edward Murrow and Walter Cronkite are spinning in their graves.

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