Monday, May 23, 2011

Stuck with Romney and T-Paw

A few months back, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said: “Short of suicide, I don’t really know what I’d have to do to convince you people that I’m not running. I’m not running.” Just yesterday, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush issued a statement that read: "While I am flattered by everyone's encouragement, my decision has not changed. I will not be a candidate for president in 2012." So, what part of "fuhgeddaboudit" doesn't the GOP get? Both of these pols, like Mitch Daniels, are too smart to run in 2012. Sure, the eminently sane Jon Huntsman may jump in, but his campaign will only amount to a warm-up act for 2016. Ergo, there is no Republican "savior" in this election cycle. So sorry, my Republican friends, but you're stuck with the Sominex Twins - Romney and Pawlenty - as your best front-runners. And they, in theory at least, could be bumped off by Nutty Newt Gingrich, the Godfather's Pizza Guy (Herman Cain) or one of two unelectable Brides of Frankenstein: Bachmann and Palin. Just remember, GOP: You made the bed. Now it's time to lay in it. Lotsa luck.

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