Thursday, May 26, 2011

Searching for fires where none exist

Richard Nixon, of course, had Watergate, the mother of all scandals. Jimmy Carter had "Billygate" (his brother became a paid lobbyist for Libya's Gadhafi). Ronald Reagan had "Iran-Contra-gate" (trading arms for hostages). Bill Clinton had "Travelgate," "Filegate," "Troopergate" and "Monica-gate" (just to name a few). George W. Bush had "Abu Ghraib-gate." Ergo, Professor Brendan Nyhan, a scholar at the University of Michigan, can't understand why there has not been an Obama-gate yet. It's downright flabbergasting. In Nyhan's view, "executive branch scandal has been an inescapable feature of the American presidency." Inescapable. Using charts, statistics and tortured logic, the good professor tries mightily to make the case that the "the first Obama scandal is likely to arrive sooner than most people think." Wow. Talk about epic navel-gazing. In fact, the Obama administration has not had a single scandal to date. Call me nutty, but could it be that Barack Obama is simply not corrupt?

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