Friday, May 13, 2011

Romney's 'Al Gore' problem

Mitt Romney is taking a beating over his health care speech yesterday, even from Fox News. I almost feel sorry for the guy. Granted, Romney's political woes are largely self-inflicted. But, as Jon Chait explains, he's also getting Al-Gored. "An Al Gore problem is what happens when the media forms an impression of your character and decides to cram every irrelevant detail of your appearance and behavior into that frame, regardless of whether or not it means anything. Thus Romney's hair and lack of tie are now evidence of a character flaw, as is his decision to give a detailed policy lecture in a university town without being officially sponsored by a University. An Al Gore problem results in the media ganging up on a candidate like cool kids mocking a geek, with literally everything he's doing serving as more evidence for the predetermined narrative."

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