Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Palin: Joan of Arc?

Didja hear? "Palin: The Movie" is due out in several GOP primary states soon. Curiously called "The Undefeated," the documentary (read: hagiography) is already being described as a big-screen version of her "most tiresome, grating themes of victimization, resentment, and grievance politics." More than one film critic has noted the allusions to Joan of Arc in the movie. Take it away Daniel Larison (writer for The American Conservative): "The Joan of Arc comparisons are strange, and for some reason people have made these comparisons ever since the 2008 campaign, and if they are intentional they are even more odd in a documentary called The Undefeated. In terms of the contemporary politics of her time, Joan of Arc wasn’t just defeated. She was put on trial and executed for heresy, and it was only five centuries later that she was formally canonized. I can’t imagine that this is the image that Palin and her fans want to project." Larison, god bless him, could be over-thinking this one. It's highly unlikely that Palin and her flacks have any idea who Joan of Arc is, let alone her history. Ergo, they're blissfully unaware that they are shooting themselves in the head. Where's Katie Couric when you need her?

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