Friday, October 7, 2011

Welcome back from the ledge, Sully

Like many folks who read and admire Andrew Sullivan, I too have given him grief about his Palin obsession. At times it was scarily over the top. But his reasons were always noble. "All I ever cared about was that someone who was incapable of understanding reality, who was, in my view, clinically disturbed, intellectually incapable and emotionally crippled, should not be foisted on the world as a potential US president because John McCain had a temper tantrum," Sullivan wrote today. I "second that emotion," as Smoky Robinson would put it. Sullivan announced he is finally unslinging his gun belt, writing: "There's no need any more to even think, let alone blog, about [Palin]. I did what I could to expose her and the corrupt system - in politics and the media - that made her possible. And she's over. Mission, as they say, accomplished." He of course added: Cue the music from "Jaws". Heh. I too will blog about Palin as events warrant, but I'll mostly do so comedically. For Palin is merely a curio now, a political Paris Hilton or, if you like, a kindred Kardashian of the Wasilla kind. Going forward, I'll treat her accordingly.

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