Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Palin flunks the test

I don't have much to add to the debate about Sarah Palin's self-serving video. It is self evident that the 8-minute screed is as shallow and intellectually bankrupt as its author.

I wholly concur with Andrew Sullivan's spot-on critique:
"To call this understandable concern about the impact of violent rhetoric and imagery on disturbed minds a manufactured "blood libel" - equating critics of extreme rhetoric of being the equivalent of Nazis or medieval anti-Semites - is to up the ante at a time when leaders really need to calm emotions. We know this much right now: Palin does not possess the self-awareness, responsibility or composure to respond to crises like this with grace. This message - even at a time of national crisis - was a base-rousing rallying cry, perpetuating her own victimhood and alleged bloodthirstiness of her opponents."

"... Palin cannot acknowledge misjudgment, as she cannot admit error. ... And she has decided that this occasion for introspection is actually an opportunity to double down. There is something menacing about that."
I think that's all that needs to be said.

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