Wednesday, September 29, 2010

‘That Bill Clinton is sooo kewl!’

The Washington press corps is all atwitter on Twitter and the cable airwaves. Recent polls show Bill Clinton is WAY more popular on the national playground than that skinny kid with the funny name (Barack Obama) by the swings. Giggle. President Spock just can’t do anything right. Sigh. It’s like high school, isn’t it? One has to wonder how many of the reporters peddling this empty narrative were regularly shoved against hallway lockers – or worse, simply ignored by the cool kids at their respective schools (the ones now running Wall Street). But today, with horn-rimmed glasses no longer askew, the reporters the cool kids on the big DC campus. Hell hath no fury like a nerd scorned. But I digress. So just why is the Big Dog so much more popular than the Professor? Because Bubba doesn’t have to pay the political electric bills. Daddy-in-Chief Obama has to. Otherwise, the lights go out - nationwide. Playing the glad-handing pol without a portfolio is easy. Try running the White House in this toxic environment, Willie, this time without focusing “like a laser” on the first blue dress you come across.

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