Thursday, September 30, 2010

Common sense is not so common

Tip O’Neill must be spinning in his grave. I can't believe my beloved New York Times is peddling the fiction that All-Politics-Is-National, the opposite of the House Speaker's timeless maxim. The paper (Matt Bai pinch-hitting) cited Christine O'Donnell's virtual non-presence in her home state of Delaware, the borderless nature of the Online Epoch and the obsession by our lemming-like chattering class with each new shiny object. “O’Neill’s adage may now be as much a part of history as he is,” clucked Bai. Now, it's true that the Witch of Wilmington refuses to leave the national spotlight (And why not? There's a huge fortune to make off her 15 minutes of fame.) But it's also true that she is all but certain to lose her quixotic senate bid. The reason: All politics is (still) local.

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