Friday, April 1, 2011

Finally figuring it out

The light bulbs are flickering at last. Ross Douthat (New York Times): "All of this suggests that the best case scenario for the United States might be (and perhaps has always been) not an outright rebel victory but a palace coup within Qaddafi’s regime — which could lead in turn to a negotiated cease-fire, amnesty for the rebels, and a “new Libya” in which the dictator slips into exile but some of his lieutenants remain in charge, stage-managing a transition to quasi-democracy." Bingo. I think that's exactly what Obama had in mind all along. The acceleration of defections by top Libyan officials seem to confirm my guess. I also think Obama will keep America out the coming political mess in Tripoli post-Qaddafi. According to SecDef Robert Gates, "The last thing this country needs is another exercise in nationbuilding," he said in testimony before Congress yesterday. I'm sure the president agrees.

Obama (as the Road Runner): meep-meep.

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